
Service Provider Controlling

Optimum performance through control. As a neutral interface function between client and service providers / suppliers, we help to achieve optimum service and delivery results.

Experience shows that the interface between clients and service providers / suppliers is often not defined in a target-oriented manner and that control and monitoring functions do not provide sufficient capacity. This condition can be found in operative IT operations as well as in projects.

The result: loss of quality in services and delivery results, lack of transparency towards management, need for reactive intervention and a burden on the relationship of trust between clients and service providers.

We help to prevent such situations from arising in the first place or to resolve them as far as possible.

Our Services

On the one hand, our services are aimed at identifying and eliminating deficits at the interface between client and service provider or at preventing them from arising in the first place. On the other hand, as a neutral partner, we take over the organizational-operational as well as the commercial control of service providers for our customers. We provide support:

  • Analyse of the status quo among other things like auditing of purchaser and service provider
  • Moderation of meetings Moderationin line with the situation regulations
  • Definition of the requirements to supply and performance relationship
  • Supervision of the service providing and quality
  • Guarantee a constant quality of the used services
  • Communicate between purchaser and service provider
  • Support at the definition of agreements
  • Supervision andcare of agreed service-level-agreements
  • budget planning
  • Proving o fperformance confirmations and bills
  • Management Reporting